Jason Whittenberg
A New Sprout From Deep Seeded Roots
From an extensive professional background in the hydroponic and organic gardening industry, years of horticultural experience, and a formal education in general chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and physics , I have come to find that there are many things within the realm of organic agriculture and horticultural sciences that I can provide to farmers and home gardeners alike. It is with the knowledgebase of educating growers on a daily basis for more than 15 years and working side-by-side with professional horticulturalists, manufacturers, and distributors in this industry that I am moving forward with launching a line of premium horticultural products to help sustain nutritional abundance and reduce pest pressure in a safe, effective, and healthy manner. I am dedicated to building a strong team of professionals who, along with me, value sourcing and delivering quality sustainable inputs that have low environmental impact.